Juvenile Detention Tests
Scale Comparisons
ACDI Corrections Version II
1. Truthfulness
2. Alcohol
3. Drug
4. Violence
5. Adjustment
6. Distress
7. Stress Coping
Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE)
1. Truthfulness
2. Alcohol
3. Drug
4. Violence
5. Antisocial
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The ACDI-Corrections Version II and the Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE) are the two juvenile detention tests discussed on this website. Each test is briefly described and its website is listed for visitors that desire more information.

ACDI-Corrections Version II (ACDI-CV II): Applications: Juvenile courts, juvenile drug courts, juvenile probation departments, substance abuse screening, troubled youth screening. Version II has seven scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence Scale, 3. Adjustment Scale, 4. Distress Scale, 5. Alcohol Scale, 6. Drugs Scale and 7. Stress Coping or Stress Management Scale. The ACDI-Corrections Version II has 140 items and takes 25 minutes to complete. www.acdi-corrections-versionII.com.

Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE): The Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE) is a brief, easily administered and computer scored juvenile detention center test. It is used to assess troubled (male and female) youth. The Juvenile Detention Exam (JDE) consists of 105 items and takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The JDE contains five (5) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Alcohol Scale, 3. Drugs Scale, 4. Violence (lethality) Scale, and 5. Antisocial Scale. This test helps in understanding troubled youth that are placed in detention settings. www.riskandneeds.com.

Contact Information:

Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.
P.O. Box 44256
Phoenix, Arizona 85064-4256

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Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc.


Professional Online Testing Solutions, Inc.

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